THE BLACK ENCYCLOPEDIA: first to write about Black History Month in 1976
Driving solutions with historical, economic data
OWN OUR OWN DATA is an update of Frederick Douglass’ admonition that our freedom depends on our ownership of businesses. John William Templeton, the speaker for Douglass’ 200th birthday, is the founder of the 20th annual Journal of Black Innovation National Black Business Month, leading 31 Ways 31 Days sessions each evening at 7 p.m. during August. The 50-year-veteran journalist and historian also is the wanadu aroo or history advisor to the Songhoy People of West Africa, from which 75 percent of today’s African-Americans are descended. The creator of the 6,000 site California African-American Freedom Trail wrote Invisible Pioneers: Multiple Property Nomination to the National Register for African-Americans in San Francisco 1770-1985.