Free African Schools professional development through June 14


A simple way to sum up the Black experience is that “the truth shall set you free.”  Free African Schools is timely because of the convergence of three national events which have been badly misunderstood.

Oxford University Press historian John William Templeton, executive producer of ReUNION: Education-Arts-Heritage, breaks down the primary source record of Memorial Day, the centennial of hte Lincoln Memorial and Juneteenth as the opening for the seventh annual Free African Schools professional development.  Teaching Black students is very productive when one applies the tradition of African-American education derived from the Sonhoy Empire and embraced by Founding Fathers Benjamin Franklin, John Jay sand Alexander Hamilton.

He’s also providing the Anti-Chuck tours of the California African-American Freedom Trail the first two weeks of June to present the  centrality of California to the narrative.  See them live at 1 p.m. Pacific or on demand.  Retired principal Maurice Harper shows the wealth of books we draw upon. Visit for the course books.