Nicholas Perkins, CEO of Black Titan Investments, leads Own What You Eat, the concluding program of 31 Ways 31 Days of the 18th annual National Black Business Month at 7 p.m. Eastern Tuesday, Aug. 31. On Aug. 6, the 40-year-old firm acquired the national franchise Fuddruckers, with 90 locations in seven states and several nations, the largest Black restaurant acquisition ever. See the entire 31 Ways 31 Days series by subscribing to the Journal of Black Innovation at blackbusinessmonth.com
His inspiration is Birmingham insurance and hospitality magnate A.G. Gaston, who financed and fed the Birmingham Children’s Crusade.
At 5 p.m. Eastern, Tuesday, 18th NBBM Co-founders Frederick E. Jordan Sr. PE and John William Templeton discuss economics from politics for the New Jersey African American Chamber of Commerce. The national importance of the Sept. 14 recall election in California and its implications for New Jersey and Virginia, two of eight states with African-American lieutenant governors, will be among their topics.