
Your understanding of the national holiday for June 19, 1865 and American history will not be complete without the primary source excellence of the most complete record of African-American victories over American chattel slavery by military victories in the American Revolution, War of 1812, Seminole Wars, Mexican War and the Civil War.
Road to Ratification: How 27 States Faced the Most Challenging Issue in American History tells the history of the 13th Amendment through all 27 states that ratified it from the first African to set foot in the state’s boundaries up to Dec. 6, 1865, the most important date in African-American history.
Citizenship for All: 150th anniversary of the 14th Amendment is particularly relevant because the 14th Amendment is at the heart of the nation’s economy due to the clash over the debt ceiling and Supreme Court rulings on affirmative action. It describes the legislative history of the Amendment through the Joint Reconstruction Committee hearings, which included volumes on 11 different states on the need for equal protection of the law and the associated steps to prevent Confederates from sabotaging democracy.
We Fought, We Vote: 150th anniversary of the 15th Amendment tells the organizational genius of African-Americans who achieved the right to vote when even their allies in the 14th Amendment thought it was impossible just two years earlier