Africa’s cities are the accelerant for African-American businesses and communities, leaders concluded on the International Day for Peoples of African Descent. The 60 Cities initiative will match products, talents and capital between U.S. and African/Caribbean cities with more than one million population. To share in the implementation, order Capitalizing Our Heritage: State of Black Business, 20th edition in the spirit of Garvey’s international convention on this day in 1920.
The third annual day marks the end of Garvey’s International Convention of Negro Peoples in New York City, according to the resolution by the United Nations General Assembly. It is a permanent legacy of the International Decade for Peoples of African Descent.
John William Templeton, founder of the 20th annual Journal of Black Innovation National Black Business Month, said, “Since the 1600s, our enlightened leaders have seen the freedom of Black people as a worldwide endeavor. We can’t separate the economies of Chicago, Detroit, Birmingham or Jackson from Maputo, Nouakchott, Kigali or Kano. Since 1995, blackmoney.com has built the commercial and investment ties that have propelled the most significant economic gains over the past 500 years, and we’re just getting started.”
Earlier in the month, Dr. Benedict Oramah, president of the Africa Import-Export Bank, and Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley of Barbados opened the first office of the bank in Bridgetown, following last August’s $700 million commitment from the bank to the Caribbean during the first AfriCaribbean Trade Forum.