Black unemployment falls to 5.9 percent in April
BMWORLDWIDE–WASHINGTON–Blackmoney.com executive editor John William Templeton describes the state of the Black labor force during the third session of How to Do Equity, following Bureau of Labor Statistics data that Black unemployment has fallen to 5.9 percent, on Saturday, May 7 at 1 p.m. Register for the eight week series at souloftechnology.com
The program begins with a historical context from Dr. Oba T’Shaka, professor emeritus of Black Studies at San Francisco State University, leader of the most successful employment civil rights campaign in history, the United San Francisco Freedom Movement from 1963 to 1965, which gained 375 employer agreements for equal employment opportunity.
“We talked to the people and what they said they wanted were jobs,” recalls T’Shaka, then a Marine veteran and law school student whose father was a longshoreman.
Templeton will give a current analysis of the April data, which found 19,963,000 African-Americans employed out of 21,209,000 in the civilian labor force. The total employed grew by 700,000 from last April and the number of unemployed went from 1.9 million to 1.2 million. His talk will lead into next week’s release of Down But Not Out: State of Black Business, 19th edition with Sens. James Sanders, D-Queens, chair of the New York State Senate Banks Committee and Sen. Steven Bradford, chair of the California Legislative Black Caucus.
On May 10, the Central Brooklyn Economic Development Corp. also hosts the Brooklyn Supply Chain and Procurement Fair to create long-lasting gains in employment in Brownsville, the densest population of African-Americans in the country.